As I sit here...staring down thirty...I wonder where I went wrong, insofar as, the standard growing up timeline. Granted I was the youngest and the only boy, but I look at my peers what with wives and/or committed partners. My sister who is three years older than me was married for damn near five years when she was my age. Granted she's a much more affable person than I am, I'm a bit of an acquired taste as people enjoying my company. I feel like I'm behind the curve here and as a bit of an overachiever this is bothersome to me. I don't know...
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 12, 2011
Looking at Facebook, I really wish there was a filter option so I wou… -
Monday Apr 11, 2011
I've been supremely bored lately. I'm attempting to get a new living … -
Tuesday Apr 05, 2011
My car is being the parents place for the night. And I was… -
Thursday Mar 31, 2011
I am sitting alone, drinking and watching Iron Chef on my DVR...truly… -
Wednesday Mar 30, 2011
So, I've come to terms with the fact that I could never make it as a … -
Friday Mar 25, 2011
I saw The English Beat last night, those guys put on a kick ass show … -
Wednesday Mar 23, 2011
Apathy is a difficult habit to break. -
Sunday Mar 20, 2011
So I think my new best philosophical approach to life is to simply st… -
Thursday Mar 17, 2011
So Sunday night I'm at work and get a text from an old friend of mine… -
Saturday Mar 12, 2011
Two other bartenders are going on vacation this upcoming week, so I w…