So I learned tonight that deleting the numbers of girls so you don't ill advisedly drunk text them can have awkwardly hilarious consequences. So, a girl I work with and briefly dated and spent ENTIRELY too much time chasing, suffered the mishap of her father getting into a rather unpleasant motorcycle accident, so despite the fact that we've not really spoken in a non work related manner in at least three months I was undeterred from sending her a text wishing her dad, who was pleasant to me in our interactions, a speedy recovery. She texts me back thanking me for the sentiment and I delete it, so as to make it a chore for me to continue any ill advised communications with this girl who alternately toyed with and spurned my affections for almost two years. Shortly there after I receive a seemingly heartfelt text about how poorly I've been treated by "the sender" it goes on for a bit and seems to make sense given the circumstances, so I respond in a kindhearted and diplomatic way dispersing blame and trying to be kind to someone I cared deeply about for a rather long time. In the return message I am puzzled by some statements until I piece together this isn't an apologetic text from this long term interest but rather from a girl I hung out/made out/ went out with for like three weeks and who stopped speaking to me about a month ago and that was a whole situation which, while I found puzzling, I was totally over. So, it's slightly embarrassing that I made this faux pas, but I think more than anything, it's disturbing in that I could so easily confuse the two VERY different situations. I fear that this points to a systemic flaw in the girls I choose to pursue and my methods of pursuit. Clearly I am making similar mistakes and abjectly failing to learn from them. So, the moral of the story is, pay close attention to specific text details (and grammar) before you are accidentally honest with the wrong person.
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