Feel like I'm slacking on these blogs that no one reads...damn my eyes! I have running water in my apartment again...for now, the city says I need to fix the leak, but I don't own this place, Bank of America does and while they may not be entirely aware that I am living here, running water does make the process a bit more civilized. At some point I'll likely have to find a more concrete living situation, but in the mean time, squatting isn't all bad, sure I have to pay certain utilities I normally wouldn't have to and any time something breaks I have to fix it myself (though I do feel manly when I succeed, [see James changing out a fried electrical outlet]) but the lack of rent is pretty sweet, in theory I've saved $2800 I'll be damned if I could tell you what I've squandered it on, if I were clever I'd act like I had to pay rent and put that money into savings, but thus far, I am not, in fact, clever. Maybe I'll try that though. Been busy at work the past week, which is good, but reminding me how little patience I have left for the rank and file people of the world anymore, I'm aging out of being a bartender, the skill set is there and probably better than ever honestly, but my people skills are showing frays around the seems I fear.
More Blogs
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Okay, this is a total "man post" which in and of itself sounds phalli… -
Monday Nov 28, 2011
I just got done watching a really good/cripplingly depressing movie o… -
Thursday Nov 24, 2011
So in a new development at my job, it seems a number of inmates are u… -
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
As I sit here...staring down thirty...I wonder where I went wrong, in… -
Sunday Nov 20, 2011
Never a day a work without a story worth telling. -
Sunday Nov 13, 2011
You know, honestly this schedule isn't that much different then when … -
Tuesday Nov 08, 2011
So...yeah...C.O. I is absolutely an out there job. Went in for my fir… -
Wednesday Nov 02, 2011
One more day of training, then I graduate on Friday, I feel like grad… -
Sunday Oct 30, 2011
I've almost comedown from the abject joy of the World Series, me and … -
Saturday Oct 29, 2011
Wow baseball...just wow. People gush about football, people gush abou…