So, my second weekend without water at my apartment. Last time there was an issue the water company fucked something up and water started leaking at the curb, I called them twice about it and never heard anything back from them, I assumed they didn't care. Turns out they did, they just didn't bother to tell me about it. So woke up Thursday with no running water, a broken door latch on my car's driver's side door and windshield wipers that didn't work stuck in the middle position. Driving 20 minutes with one hand holding your door shut is not precisely fun. On the plus side the car is fixed, but the Water Department doesn't work on the weekends, cause as we all know nobody uses water on Saturdays or Sundays. Ideally I can get this all rectified tomorrow before work. I'll tell you squatting in an otherwise empty apartment building isn't half as glamorous as the mainstream media would have you believe.
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