I've been keeping very strange hours on Saturdays lately, I can blame Cabin Fever for last week. Things have been pretty boring lately, hopes of an exciting new year are starting to fade into mundane reality and frankly I don't care too much for it. But that's the way it breaks sometimes. The fella who has or plans to buy the building in which I'm living/squatting is coming over for some purpose in a few hours, I may sleep. I may not. I don't know, feeling kinda down today, meh. We'll see how things go.
More Blogs
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
Okay, this is a total "man post" which in and of itself sounds phalli… -
Monday Nov 28, 2011
I just got done watching a really good/cripplingly depressing movie o… -
Thursday Nov 24, 2011
So in a new development at my job, it seems a number of inmates are u… -
Wednesday Nov 23, 2011
As I sit here...staring down thirty...I wonder where I went wrong, in… -
Sunday Nov 20, 2011
Never a day a work without a story worth telling. -
Sunday Nov 13, 2011
You know, honestly this schedule isn't that much different then when … -
Tuesday Nov 08, 2011
So...yeah...C.O. I is absolutely an out there job. Went in for my fir… -
Wednesday Nov 02, 2011
One more day of training, then I graduate on Friday, I feel like grad… -
Sunday Oct 30, 2011
I've almost comedown from the abject joy of the World Series, me and … -
Saturday Oct 29, 2011
Wow baseball...just wow. People gush about football, people gush abou…