I saw The English Beat last night, those guys put on a kick ass show and even someone as white as myself can skank to a fresh two tone beat. First show since probably when I saw Lou Barlow back in like August.
So I think my new best philosophical approach to life is to simply stop having any expectations for anything at all, hopes lend themselves to disappointments. Perhaps it's better to be a feather without a bird, going wherever the wind manages to blow you. I dunno.
It's true. When you don't expecting anything, and then something awesome happens, it will be unexpected and it will make you feel good.
So Sunday night I'm at work and get a text from an old friend of mine, seems he's shitty drunk on the Landing and unable to drive and in need of a sympathetic ear. So granted we're not so close right now, aren't well apprised of each others' situations at any given time, but I like to think that I am a fairly reliable cat...
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Two other bartenders are going on vacation this upcoming week, so I will be effectively living at work. I'm scheduled 42 and a half, but that will undoubtedly turn into more as I have to show up early on one of those days to count inventory and you'd better believe that is going down on the clock. Tuesday will be my off day then work...
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Has recently applied for two jobs with the city of Saint Louis that I most likely won't get, as awesome as it is in most instances to be a white male, in seeking employment it can be an enormous hindrance. I also applied for a job with MLB where you live in an apartment in NYC and watch baseball and blog about it, I most...
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Been one mopey son of bitch lately. Not sure if there's one particular source to which it can be attributed. Just not a whole lot of things have been going ole Jamesy's way lately, trying not to mope, but it's always such an easy option, because I'm really good at it. Meh.
My favorite recent Facebook post is: "You know...not enough people get hoisted by their own petard anymore."
Feel like I'm slacking on these blogs that no one reads...damn my eyes! I have running water in my apartment again...for now, the city says I need to fix the leak, but I don't own this place, Bank of America does and while they may not be entirely aware that I am living here, running water does make the process a bit more civilized. At...
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So the memories are a little fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure this is my 11th or 12th sad bastard lonely Valentine's Day in a row, at some point you have to stop chalking it up to bad luck and start to wonder if you have some massive character flaw that you're missing out on that the opposite sex sees so clearly. Meh...it's a bullshit holiday,...
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I shaved off my Winter Beard, it was proud and beautiful and served me well. But it's gone now, all I ask is that weather cooperates with this decision.
If not, you can just sticky-tape a big scarf onto your face biggrin
So, my second weekend without water at my apartment. Last time there was an issue the water company fucked something up and water started leaking at the curb, I called them twice about it and never heard anything back from them, I assumed they didn't care. Turns out they did, they just didn't bother to tell me about it. So woke up Thursday with no...
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