Well...I've done it...I've become an iPhone person. It was a calculated decision, I consulted with the biggest phone diva I've ever met in my life and it received his glowing recommendation. I know it's weird to refer to a man as a diva, but the way this guy is with phones it's pretty fitting. So my Blackberry is retired. The list of things I can...
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My friend Jimmy had his realtor call me the other day, he in turn gave me the number of a lady that handles loans, I suspect I'll give her a call on one of my off days coming up here. So many things to do on my two days off. Call a loan lady, I don't want to call her a shark yet, but I...
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Problem solved for sure! I grow a beard and work in a jail and you sir go for me to each family reunion, DEAL! biggrin
I suppose I can't argue with that.
Gotta tell ya, this whole catching a cold every three weeks or so shit is getting old pretty quick. On the bright side I assume shortly here I will catch every feasible permutation of the common cold (or rhino virus, which could be an awesome metal band name) and then I'll never get another cold ever again, though more than likely that shan't be the...
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Had an odd thought on the drive home. Different animals taste different depending on their diet, for example grass fed beef versus grain fed beef. The same is true of venison or lamb meat, the taste can vary greatly based upon the local fauna upon which they nibble. Logically the same would be true of humans as well. So what I wonder is, in the...
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That's... actually an interesting question.
I meant flora, not fauna. Unless lambs and deer are leading secret lives unbeknownst to us.
Having a routine is an odd sort of animal. I think I find it equal parts comforting and loathsome. Weeks go by fast, days off go even faster and pay checks go somewhere in the middle. Is this being grown up?
I like to consider myself a rather calm and collected fellow, but low and behold from time to time you come across a person who knows all the wrong buttons to press. Long story short, there was a brief internet "flame war" (as they used to be called [and maybe still are]) the other day, which went from a snarky post that I assumed was...
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The other day I was talking to my brother in law, who is Dutch and he said that in the same day he read the 2011 murder statistics for both St. Louis City and the entirety of the Netherlands, he went on to state that the City of St. Louis (which has just under 350,000 citizens by the way) had 30 more homicides than the...
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I like to fancy myself a man of limited vice,,,I drink, I'm prone to being protective and at times perchance a smidgen on the jealous side. But I'm not a man prone to anger, nor violence, hell, I can't even hold a proper grudge worth a shit unless it's against someone who's harmed someone I care about and not myself. My drinks of choice are...
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My most frequent co-worker was assaulted by an inmate tonight. I'm a bit put off by this, I know it's an omnipresent situation given our present calling, but he's a good guy and he got attacked (albeit poorly) by a punk motherfucker who doesn't understand the action-consequence principle. It turned out okay in the end, my fellow officer wasn't injured and the cocksucker who came...
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Back to work I go...my "weekends" go very quickly, but the work week tends to as well. I've gotten the hang of the whole C.O. thing, it's a lot of saying "no" a pretty fair amount of lying to people and the rest of the time trying to ascertain when people are lying to you (spoiler alert...it's damn near constantly). I stopped by my storage...
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Man...I think my major purchase list is as follows, a house (cause I'm old and have a for real grown ass man job with which I can afford one) a couch (cause ever since I moved out I've had various chairs many of which are very comfortable, but I've yet to have a couch and I goddamned love couches) and finally a hot tub...my best...
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The shame about my life is that my best stories come from jail, granted I spend 40 hours a week there and the hours when miscreants tend to be awake and needy no less. But let me allay any fears about the justice system you may have. Almost everyone is almost certainly guilty of what they are accused and here's why, they are REALLY not...
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