note to self: dont see constantine again.

it wasnt bad, but it sure as hell wasnt good either.
aw thank you so much! yeah, its actually a pretty crazy class, the professor is like this teenie old raging femenist lady, and she never stays on topic but her exams are hard as hell. Its really an interesting class, I'm enjoying the material. Hey, we live kinda near each other, i think?
it is a human sexuality class. it reach across many subjects, its amazing how little attention we pay to it, considering. anywho, yea dc traffic sucks, well actually its not so much the traffic as all the damn circles surreal
whammo! got me a new electric razor <3. been thrown around at martial arts again. i hate grappling. im so horrible at it. s'alright though. im still a great stand up fighter! i dont intend to compete in csw or any of the other organizations like that.

this site is kinda odd. most people seem to be elitist jerks who dont reply to shit. making...
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well, today was promptly ruined 15 minutes after i got home. so ive officially moved into my own place, finally starting to feel not-sick, and am enjoying my classes. my dirtbag father shows up at my door. i fucking hate that piece of shit....he isnt supposed to know where the fuck i live! lets all thank my mom, the fucking bitch, for telling him where...
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i cant believe im still alive! wednesdays are horrible days! HORRIBLE!!! 2 hours in stats is bad enough, but then waiting an additional 2 hours for a 3 hour first aid class? shit man, its not cool, not PC!!

anywho, besides wednesdays which, did i mention, are really not cool, life is grand. i never realised the advantage of standing all the way in back...
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physics question ive been slaving over since yesterday.

as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases. once an object reaches the speed of light, its mass becomes infinite. but in space, it does not take as much energy to generate relatively high velocity, because of the lack of gravity. so, say if we could make a space ship go the speed of...
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damn, now I have to find a new way to offend you!

umm, how about this:

Hey, Just saw your post. Do you take akido? You are right there is nothing like getting in a fight, such a rush.
whammo! this place is fun when i am bored like hell.

so lets go over whats happened since last posting. i did in fact find something to do, i got the ram upgrade i needed for my computer.

wednesday i went running, did weightroom crap, thats always fun, just starting to feel the pain from it today (its normal, most people do not feel the...
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FUCK MAN!!!! its cold out there! i couldnt feel my legs after my run at 7:43 am. i am totally pissed that i couldnt drive to my favorite place to run. goddanmed snow. i also hate HATE the snow plows in my area. those fucks plowed my street twice, as half assed as possible yesterday. we still have 3 inches of snow on the fucking...
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got pics! yippy for that..yea, any pics i have up for now are from the same day. one day ill get a good camera and what not.
hello, my name is justin. no pics yet, need to learn how to resize photo's, or get a digital camera....you know...its always something.

mild mannered college student by day....martial arts teacher and student....by day. i am really into my craft, id like to teach for cash someday. im not quite sure why im doing this, maybe ill meet some nice people or something. have a...
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