1) Do you eat cheese – I might eat too much cheese in life. I think cheese is life lol
2) Do you drink pop – Yes i do but a lot less than before. It’s now many 1-2 a week
3) Do you listen to Nickelback – I don’t think they are a bad band, but it’s not my type of music
4) What’s your favourite drink – Béer, wine, water
5) How do you like your steak – Extremely blue
6) Favourite anime – Princess mononoke will always be a favourite of mine
7) Favourite movie - That’s à hard one. I like way too many. From Harry Potter to lord of the ring, passing by the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and doing a stop at Donnie darko. 🤷♂️
8) Morning ritual – right now I’m injured so my morning are waking, turning around and going back to sleep. But when I’m good. It’s up, piss, clothes, pack lunch, brush my teeth and out the door under 10 minutes. I go till the very last snooze. Oh and I snooze for an hour solide. Those are the best minutes.
9) Can you swim – my only sport, if called a sport is scuba diving... so I’ll let you guess if I can swim
10) Are you pierced – Nose and ears
11) How many tattoos do you have – I don’t know. Does knuckles tattoo count as 1 or 8?!
12) Are you into ass play – more or less, didn’t had the chance to experience much in that. Aside spanking, then enough for my hand to be swollen
13) Do you smoke – I grew weed medically for years but never really smocked it, never suited me. Cigarettes though I smoked for 18 years. Been 6 years that I quit.
14) Favorite cartoon character - murder face
15) Do you enjoy being spanked – No! I’m on the other end of it
16) Three things that turn you on – Smiles, à girl going forward, when I used to have ear lobes licking it was the thing. Now I have 1.5 inch holes instead
17) Have you every faked an orgasm – It’s kinda hard, there’s like evidence left behind...
18) Favourite beach – Wreck beach Vancouver Canada. Clothing optional, hippie vibe, weed, drugs and alcohol friendly.
19) Savory or sweet – savory
20) Favorite position – Call me boring but missionary. Unless going down is considered one, then going down.
3 people I nominate are... @rileyash @robynlee @aprilblaze
@rambo @missy @sean