This year sucked for me health wise.
I had problems with my entire digestive system. Had a hard time to swallow food, the trap of my stomach was letting food coming back up, had a stomach hernia, bunch of polyps and internal hémorroïdes that were bleeding pretty badly, and my stomach went up in my chest. Needed surgery.
Got diagnosed with a pretty aggressive version of IBS.
Crushed my hand in a door. Had a cast for 3 weeks for a hairline fracture.
Received a 2x4 in the face and broke my nose.
2 months ago i had a work accident. I got a slipped disk and a teared disk. It’s causing all sorts of fucked up things in my legs. I’m doing physiotherapy, need an epidural and start rehabilitation in January.
Just like it wasn’t enough, yesterday I slipped on ice, fell and broke my wrist. It’s not too bad, it’s à hairline fracture again, but fuck me. I didn’t needed this.
On thé good side of things I got 6 sotd and shot 77 sets so far this year.