lately i discovered that i can join my bank account to my paypal account and it actually chamged alot in my life. Cause you see i got no credit card and no credit card company are close to give me one lol. That explain why i just became an SG member here, i actually bought a prepaid creditcard lol. But anyway with that great paypal discovery came shopping online and theres nothing more fun than opening your mailbox and see some package in there. I dunno if youre like me but i get so exited.
So today i didnt received one but two packages. I received the plugs that i ordered from pierced fish which was really fast.
1 1/2...1 5/8...1 3/4...1 7/8 and 2 inch is my finale size but it will take awhile.
And i received some empty vegan gel capsule to put some Rick Simpson oil in there for @glitch to enjoy and @stormyent to get medicated. Trust me she wont feel any pain at all, she'll even have fun. Lol
I just filled one with fine powdered weed just cause it hard for the camera to focus on something see through lol i think ill have to buy another bag of smaller ones cause i have a feeling nobody can fonction on those.
@chefmatt no worries, i'll show you how to do that. Have a headach, take a lil pill. Have some back pain, take a lil pill. Have wtv pain, insomnia, cancer, depression......... Have a lil pill lol