Hello everybody. I'm brand new here and its kinda weird for me since i never been a blogger, so i have no idea what to write and who would read that. So for a start ill just present myself.
My name is AlexandRE yeah its a french name, cause guess what im french, but from quebec. Totally another tupe of french lol. But you can call me Just_Sick, Hazeman or the anasthesiste. I'm thristy fucking two but you would never guess since i necer grew up. I didnt refused, it just sucked following everybody that were going in the same direction. So for a living im a carpenter, but since that part sucks too, i always had lil side jobs just to have fun. Like for a few years i worked in a snake farm, well snake... A every single odd creepycrawler farm, those animals were my passion but at one point it drove me nuts. Another great job is to grow medical weed, over here im considered to be an epic grower working only with elite strains.
I always been a passionate guy and its all my passions that defines me and not what i do for a living. But if really i start to actually make a list of all my passions it will just be digusting. Anyway eventually with time you'll get to know them all. Just imagine someone that is way too curious and go and read and research a subject that is interested about, practice, get good fast, improve and get bored even faster and move to the next thing..... So theres always something.
Ok i think its enough for now, actually wondering if i shouldnt do a vlog instead of a blog, you could all admire my beautiful french accent that you'll realise that its far than from the one in france.