God, Im feeling unbelievably wicked as of late. I guess this is the manic phase. Smile.
I love having my car detailed. Not only is it fun to pay someone to clean up after you, I just cant get over how a three year old car looks showroom new. Shiny tires, shiny dash, shiny waxed body. Looking at it now I dont feel bad about...
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wow, you should update this thing....
happy birthday.....
happy birthday
that is a huge tongue
So I start a new job tomorrow. The funny thing about this is that a couple of weeks ago I put up a topic on the boards about how bad it is in the IT industry right now and that finding decent work is not easy. Sure enough, a few days after that I started receiving callbacks. Go fig.
This makes me wonder if complaining...
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Dear God. Don't I have any normal pictures of me that don't involve me in drag or making a face or looking like I just got paroled??
Sorry, but this is the best I can do. Man, have I got a fat face.
I actually intended to have this thing up much earlier, but I've been unusually busy as of late. It's always like this...
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OK, I'll have my profile pic up sometime Sunday or Monday at the latest. Not that anyone gives a rat's ass. Long day and I'm really outta practice drinking as the absinthe is already kicking in. Time to put 'Passion' into the CD player.
a rats ass?
that a nice saying, much mor beautiful than 'who gives a fuck, or who gives a shit'

have to remember that one
Gotta go find a digital camera.
Gotta take some pictures. Click. Click. Click.
Gotta load Photoshop and clean up the hard disk.
Going to put on the wide lens to capture my....

Self-portraits available soon!
Cool. A journal. This should be interesting. Spilling my guts about how boring and sad my life is to hundreds, or thousands of complete strangers...
Now I don't need these pills.
Smoooooches for you!