K, so I'm really bored. It's Satuday night and if there was a decent place to go out I might do that... but everything around here sucks! Not to mention I'm seriously broke. I suppose if I just paid the cover charge I wouldn't have much of a problem getting drinks
, but the only good places to go in the DC metro is in DC or Baltimore and that's just way too far to drive when you have to drive home, because drinking and driving is not good...
So weekends here are really slow. It doesn't help being alone and not having many friends either... guess it's another night online.... AGAIN! Life sucks. I almost like the work week because at least I have something to do. I should probably clean my apartment and "polish my Scandinavian furniture", but I really don't give a shit... it's not like anyone is going to see it. Maybe I'll do more tomorrow.
Why does everything have to be so goddamned frusterating right now?! Everything was so wonderful.... WTF!!! Now things are just so damn stressful. Part of me feels like I've been pinned into a corner, in a situation that I really don't want to be in right now.
It's not all that bad. I'm going to miss my job, but I have a lot of other options too. Options that I will enjoy and will probably pay better, so all for the best. It's just really really scary makeing a major career change... REALLY SCARY
Sometimes, with all the stress that I have right now... I get so strung out that I actually think I might hurl!!!
You never really know how much you can take until life throws it at you!!! One good thing that I've always lived by is that "life will never dish out more than you can handle", so no matter what happens I know I can take it and this too will pass. Of course, I sure wish it would pass sooner rather than later, but what can you do?
Okay, I guess I've jabbered on long enough... I'm going to go and be bored somewhere else for a little bit. Everyone have a good night and a good weekend!

So weekends here are really slow. It doesn't help being alone and not having many friends either... guess it's another night online.... AGAIN! Life sucks. I almost like the work week because at least I have something to do. I should probably clean my apartment and "polish my Scandinavian furniture", but I really don't give a shit... it's not like anyone is going to see it. Maybe I'll do more tomorrow.
Why does everything have to be so goddamned frusterating right now?! Everything was so wonderful.... WTF!!! Now things are just so damn stressful. Part of me feels like I've been pinned into a corner, in a situation that I really don't want to be in right now.
It's not all that bad. I'm going to miss my job, but I have a lot of other options too. Options that I will enjoy and will probably pay better, so all for the best. It's just really really scary makeing a major career change... REALLY SCARY

Sometimes, with all the stress that I have right now... I get so strung out that I actually think I might hurl!!!

Okay, I guess I've jabbered on long enough... I'm going to go and be bored somewhere else for a little bit. Everyone have a good night and a good weekend!