OK, so SG has a thing going on on their facebook page. They are having girls send in their pics and SG is going to choose one girl and set up a shoot with a staff photographer. Zhenyababydoll has been trying to get a shoot set up for years but there aren't any staff photographers here in central Fl. Please help make her dream come true and maybe comment on her photo. Here's the link http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=1694556764529&set=o.6020654822&type=1&theater
Thanks for your help. I know that not many people will read this but every little bit helps. You guys rock! Later, Crazy

Thanks for your help. I know that not many people will read this but every little bit helps. You guys rock! Later, Crazy

I love you!!!! Thank you for all you do for us and for me!!!!
thanks for give u love on my new set