Well, here we are again. Have the day off today, trying not to do too much. Just got back from lunch. Went and met up with an old friend I haven't seen in 25 years or so. Yeah I know, most of you aren't even that old, lol. We got caught up on old times. It's interesting, our lives kind of went parallel. We ran in the same circles this whole time and never ran into each other. He came across some pictures I drew about 28 years ago. Man that was a trip to look at. I guess my mind was out there even then, lol. It's wierd, he's only about 2 years older than me, but he looks like he could be my father. Either he aged rough or I aged good (I'll take option B). Talking about the past made me feel older today, especially when his wife kept saying "I wasn't even born then". I still haven't become comfortable with my age and since I get older everyday, I'm afraid I never will. I guess it could be worse, I'm in ok shape, fairly healthy, got a smokin' hot girl, and great family and friends. Sometimes I think I just concentrate on what could be instead of what is. Well thats enough of that shit.... till next time... I still love you Zhenyababydoll , and I'm still missing the hell lout of ChrissyJoe.
Ride it like you stole it, Crazy
Ride it like you stole it, Crazy