Well, well, well. Another week has gone by. This one wasn't so bad. I think that I've accepted where I am in life... for now... I am bi-polar (really, really by-polar) so I might change my mind soon. Did a few tattoos over the weekend, that always tends to make me feel better. Started on my ceramic 'tattooing/carving/etching'. Had a blast, knocked out a couple pieces and probably gonna do another one tomorrow or Thursday. Friday I'm going down to talk to 'the expert' to get some ideas on painting and staining. Was talking to my girl about doing a couple SG coffee cups for us. Not planning on selling them, but still not sure if that's legal.... fuck it, probably do it anyway. Taxes have been filed, should see the money by the 20th or so. Gonna do a bunch of things around the house and finally get the top end rebuilt on the XLCH. Hopefully I can turn it back into a 1 kick bike. Cant really think of anything else that's going on. Gotta send a shout out to ChrissyJoe , we miss seeing ya! Get your internet on!
. And of course Zhenyababydoll , I love you babydoll, Thanks for letting me be me
. "Till next time, think ink, Crazy 

I love you!