Oh and my next piss test is thursday...I am going to be on a cranberry juice diet until then...any suggestions are welcome...& no I can't use someone elses piss...They watch me pee in the cup...

Had a really good time with the kids...bought some new glasses for them & t-shirts...going to take some pics of them in the morning...Also had fun trying to explain the chinese zodiac to them...Galen the Tiger & Chendra the Dragon...Damn I am a snake~~~

you have to take piss tests? shit. I have to collect them. Either way, it's not too cool. The only ways I know around them are either using bleach to contaminate--which they can test for as well, or just make you wash off your hands--or complicated things involving bags of urine and tubes.
we should hang out sometime. I'll drop you a line next time I know of something going on with folks hanging out around here.