I know it's rather late but I picked up my kids from their mom this evening. We went to the Sushi Town in beaverton for dinner where I gave my son some Birthday superhero's...IronMan, Captain America, Spiderman, & Hulk. Then we rolled to BlockBuster and Bought 4 movies of his choice. Got to say he has good taste...Spiderman, Men in Black 2, Spy kids 2, & Tuxedo...We are all laying out in the living room watching the DVD's...Thought I would leave this journal before I passout since I am in a better mood. Don't want to forget it. They hugged me and said they love me which makes me relize it's all been worth it even if I lost custody. I am still daddy and proud of them two babies.

The love is all that matters. They look up to you. I can;t wait to have a child look up to me.. its so beautiful.

there is a Sushi Town, as in a whole town of Sushi?