Well, It's official...I am going to lockdown for 5 days at the county comunity correction center where I am going to the school of fuck-ups...Guess I just joined the club this week...I start Easter day...I hope I don't have to be a ruthless S.O.B. because I swear I will if anyone fucks with me there...
On a lighter note I hung out with Carmen the stripper last night and got pretty drunk watching basketball. She showed me a trick on video poker & we won 15 bucks in like 10 minutes, So we got some tuckey club sandwiches...Went home tried to pass out and got a call from my friend Christine in Orange County...She invited me to come stay with her in her tiny studio apartment. Guess we will see how my X is in mediation next week...Oh & I guess she called because the kids missed me(could here them crying for daddy). That sucked to here but I will be picking them up this evening. What? You thought I forgot already why I am still alive...I owe them...Anyhow, I will have a lot of time in lock-up to think about life...Make some decisions & make something happen...

obviously being locked up isn't the ideal way to spend a week... but i guess if you have to try and find a positive, just be thankful it is only 5 days. you'll make it out ok.