but later in the trails...Dillard second from the top barely manages finish third behind barney ewell & mel patton in the 100 meteres...he is named the third member in the 100 meter team...saturday july 31st the 100 meter final...

good morning it's a great day for game today...

it's beautiful...

oh it's beautiful day I would say the championship game is right on the money today...

& we have the infamous living legends...

vs the whole world...it's a big game...big game...Im here with my partner marv albert & bob thorton here to introduce you to a team you never heard before songs...there first game...

& what a day for a championship match the wind is blowing the sun is shinning I'm feeling good...

it's great it's great..I got this budweiser i'm feeling nice lets get the game started...

this gets this thing underway lets see what we have here...
