I just dropped in to say hello...I was no where near your neighborhood...
don't believe a word your grandfather says...he's been classified grade A psychotude... you can see it from the hole in his head...a saner man would of used a bigger gunn...
this story spoken is story unheard...
why you still listen?/?
cause it's unbelievable...
don't believe a word your grandfather says...he's been classified grade A psychotude... you can see it from the hole in his head...a saner man would of used a bigger gunn...
this story spoken is story unheard...
why you still listen?/?
cause it's unbelievable...
Hullo. You applied to get into SGScotland and, belatedly, you're now in. There's a new thread for introducing yourself to the other boys and girls, if you feel so inclined.
I don't really hate my dad, and its not why I did SG, if I really hated him, I would have told him I'm an SG