
Actually got pretty fuckin drunk...I brought Dallas along...didn't eat the fish...just stuck with the chicken & Beer...Had a hot shot of Saki & reclined into conversations...Went to a vampire dance...they were sleeping...so we got crazy on the dance floor...lost my phone number...& 2:30 hit...Shit...no beer!!! Headed to breakfast with SeanBaby when the fun began.....
A car pulls up behind us with two chicks...shit...I'm late for work...I'll finish the rest later so don't miss this...

Quite alright, I loved it..well, I have yet to watch it, but will put it on in a minute...
I had lots of fun...fuck, I just forgot what I was gonna say...hmmm heads still a bit hazy too..but I must get up and head to the bank downtown, Sucks