Okay,,,things went smooth with the help of my friend Dawn & her cute little twin daughters...My X didn't dare say anything to me this time...Galen threw a fit when his mom drove off with the action figures I bought for him...I had to promiss to buy him more to calm him down...he was pissed at mommy...Chendra was cheerful to hear we were going to Izzy's pizza...We all gobbled up the food & grabbed some desert...Then we headed to the Comic/Action figure store near Wunderland...I bought 3 SuperHero figures...Dare Devil $19...Hulk $15...& my favorite Wolverine $18...to add to our collection of Captain America & Iron Man...Each figure comes with a cool comic book inside...I also bought 10 or so comics to read to them...They enjoyed themselves so very much...We then headed home & watched some of Dare Devil before they passed out...The End~
1)Who is you Favorite SuperHero???
2)What sort of super powers would you want???
3)Would you prefer to be the villian or Hero???
4)Have you ever dreamed you could fly or had super powers???
5)Who is your sidekick in real life???
P.S. Thankyou everyone who posted nice notes to me during the fallout~
This just in...I had to resue my little sister...She locked the keys in the car again & was stranded downtown Beaverton...I also went out & bought two more SuperHero's...Human Torch &The Thing from the fantastic four...I also bought Freedom force...It's a create your own superhero computer game...It was only $10 so hopefully it entertains me when the kids are gone...Here is my greatest toy I purchaced was a slip & slide...It is overcast today but tomarrow we are hoping fun some sunshine...Anyhow...Chenny & I are going to watch Jimmie Neutron while Bub sleeps...We are planning to check the fire works out tonight downtown...starts at 9:30pm if anyone is interested~
1)Who is you Favorite SuperHero???
2)What sort of super powers would you want???
3)Would you prefer to be the villian or Hero???
4)Have you ever dreamed you could fly or had super powers???
5)Who is your sidekick in real life???
P.S. Thankyou everyone who posted nice notes to me during the fallout~

This just in...I had to resue my little sister...She locked the keys in the car again & was stranded downtown Beaverton...I also went out & bought two more SuperHero's...Human Torch &The Thing from the fantastic four...I also bought Freedom force...It's a create your own superhero computer game...It was only $10 so hopefully it entertains me when the kids are gone...Here is my greatest toy I purchaced was a slip & slide...It is overcast today but tomarrow we are hoping fun some sunshine...Anyhow...Chenny & I are going to watch Jimmie Neutron while Bub sleeps...We are planning to check the fire works out tonight downtown...starts at 9:30pm if anyone is interested~
see my profile for some details ..... but i got hit by a car....sucks!
SheHulk?? hahaha I dont have the green hair in anymore though...I dunno what color i wll put in next..i think ill get blue hair weave! haha Maybe I'll get the cornrows for the show, but add in hair, so it makes a fro!! LOL