"Not even the feminine assocation with the left-handed side could escape the Church's defamation. In France and Italy, the words for "left" - gauche and sinistra - came to have deeply negative overtones, while their right-handed counterparts rang of righteousness, dexterity, and correctness. To this day, radical thought was considered left wing, irrational thought was left brain, and anything evil, sinister."
-Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code
...so the term "southpaw" for lefties... did that come around because people from the south are sinister? because that seems befitting
p.s. this man is fucking amazing
p.p.s. i'm a southpaw, but i'm also a yankee
did any of this make any sense?
-Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code
...so the term "southpaw" for lefties... did that come around because people from the south are sinister? because that seems befitting

p.s. this man is fucking amazing
p.p.s. i'm a southpaw, but i'm also a yankee
did any of this make any sense?
In a previous journal entry I used tons of quotes form it. Still have to read Divinci Code. Saving up my $$$$ to get the new illustrated one. Drool.
I saw the Illustrated Angels and Demos after I read it an almost fell out.