just because i love pictures...
my absolutely retardedly fabulous sister
my ladies from work, they are some of my best friends
my bestest friend
one of my oldest friends
a small piece of my family (Uncle Ernie, Aunt Rachel, Aunt Diane, Mom, me, [bottom row] Sister, Nana, Cousin)
my hot mommah and her hot motorcyle... and there's a husband in there somewhere
cool shot, cool picture, cool touch-ups
same model as the above picture, but add one Jupiter in there
oh yeah, and this is me sometimes

my absolutely retardedly fabulous sister

my ladies from work, they are some of my best friends

my bestest friend

one of my oldest friends

a small piece of my family (Uncle Ernie, Aunt Rachel, Aunt Diane, Mom, me, [bottom row] Sister, Nana, Cousin)

my hot mommah and her hot motorcyle... and there's a husband in there somewhere

cool shot, cool picture, cool touch-ups

same model as the above picture, but add one Jupiter in there

oh yeah, and this is me sometimes

I have pictures of my sister, but everyone wants to bone her. So that means I can't post pictures of her, or everyone will forget about me.