double you tee eff mate?!
all the SGs icon pics have changed! it's cool but whoa, big surprise. i can't wait to have frost as one of my favorites
and... i go away for a couple hours and when i come back, my lizaburt (2bit_sapiens) is gone! i'm so sad. i love her and miss her. blargh.
i had a blast tonight. i love my nicolery and my DecayingYouth. they are my favorite people! i can't wait til i get my pics developed to see how pretty you looked, one L
i hope my camera doesn't make creepy shadows on the pictures like it did with my other ones.
yeah so it's definitely 2:35 and i have to wake up at 7:30. this girl is EXCITED! sense the sarcasm...
ok so the idea arose in my head tonight from talking to joe, that maybe i could go to germany with him. do you know how much i would love to go to europe?! of course, in the meantime, i would have to get another job to save up money, but it would be so worth it. and of course, the virginia beach trip would be out of the question. but... i haven't had a true vacation in soooo long. either way, i'm gonna be pretty fooking happy in wherever i go. anywhere but here, that's what i say. but... EUROPE! with joe! we would have such a great time! argh... what to do, what to do. LOTS OF THINKING is what i have to do!
i got home from class earlier and was feeling mighty productive. i got out all my bills and made a budget type thing on my computer of how much i owe, when the payments are due, and how much money i make. it's a pretty amazing feeling to know that i can actually handle my money. it's nice knowing that i'm getting on my feet. i'm trying to pay off my credit cards so i can close all but one of them. i'll get there eventually. i promise.
it's really early and i should be in bed. i don't know wtf is wrong with me, man. mans. and womans. my peeps.
all the SGs icon pics have changed! it's cool but whoa, big surprise. i can't wait to have frost as one of my favorites
and... i go away for a couple hours and when i come back, my lizaburt (2bit_sapiens) is gone! i'm so sad. i love her and miss her. blargh.
i had a blast tonight. i love my nicolery and my DecayingYouth. they are my favorite people! i can't wait til i get my pics developed to see how pretty you looked, one L
yeah so it's definitely 2:35 and i have to wake up at 7:30. this girl is EXCITED! sense the sarcasm...
ok so the idea arose in my head tonight from talking to joe, that maybe i could go to germany with him. do you know how much i would love to go to europe?! of course, in the meantime, i would have to get another job to save up money, but it would be so worth it. and of course, the virginia beach trip would be out of the question. but... i haven't had a true vacation in soooo long. either way, i'm gonna be pretty fooking happy in wherever i go. anywhere but here, that's what i say. but... EUROPE! with joe! we would have such a great time! argh... what to do, what to do. LOTS OF THINKING is what i have to do!
i got home from class earlier and was feeling mighty productive. i got out all my bills and made a budget type thing on my computer of how much i owe, when the payments are due, and how much money i make. it's a pretty amazing feeling to know that i can actually handle my money. it's nice knowing that i'm getting on my feet. i'm trying to pay off my credit cards so i can close all but one of them. i'll get there eventually. i promise.
it's really early and i should be in bed. i don't know wtf is wrong with me, man. mans. and womans. my peeps.
hey YOU are awesome...thanks doll!! xox
creepy shadows?