Three days off and I intend to have a bit of fun and play around. I also intend to work some extra shifts. Taxes hit me hard....Thanks Asshole Bush! So I think with every payment of the 4 grand I gotta hand over I should also send a letter that says...
Dear Tax idiots, Thank you for making it harder for me to feed my family. Thank you for making it harder to be a responcible and honest citizen. Thank you for making me have to choose between your payment and rent. Thank you for making me have to work overtime that you will tax like crazy and not see my children and my love. Ohh and my personal favorite, thank you so much for making me work like crazy to support the people who fucking refuse to do the best they can and live off the government and SSI and disability and all that when I have a job that supports my family and pays my bills on time. Thank you for making my life harder because I actually got a fucking education and work hard for a living. Geez I should have been a welfare mom. Then I would actually get to enjoy my life instead of working so fucking much.
Love, Dorie
Yeah that would go over really well. As long as I sent a check with it, do you think they would mind? Not that my man did any better, he got hit super hard too.
I think I will send them something of the like with each check. Just to make me feel better. Just when things were looking up and I had savings and great prospects. Fucking Bush!
Dear Tax idiots, Thank you for making it harder for me to feed my family. Thank you for making it harder to be a responcible and honest citizen. Thank you for making me have to choose between your payment and rent. Thank you for making me have to work overtime that you will tax like crazy and not see my children and my love. Ohh and my personal favorite, thank you so much for making me work like crazy to support the people who fucking refuse to do the best they can and live off the government and SSI and disability and all that when I have a job that supports my family and pays my bills on time. Thank you for making my life harder because I actually got a fucking education and work hard for a living. Geez I should have been a welfare mom. Then I would actually get to enjoy my life instead of working so fucking much.
Love, Dorie
Yeah that would go over really well. As long as I sent a check with it, do you think they would mind? Not that my man did any better, he got hit super hard too.
I think I will send them something of the like with each check. Just to make me feel better. Just when things were looking up and I had savings and great prospects. Fucking Bush!
I am glad my tax comes out when I get paid and I don't have to worry about it. I hope you are enjoying your days off and are not worring too much about paying tax. That must suck

Love it....your letter...not the part of you having to pay! And I k now is sucks right now....but it'll get better....