Hello SG friends and loves! What a Picnic yesterday! All I can say is Gluttony! Way too much food! I just did a cleanse too and now I feel sooooooo yucky because I lost all self control and ate too much cheese and steak!
>> Seven Things To Do Before I Die
+ Travel.
+ Missionary nurse to the Congo, Haiti, and Cambodia
+ Meet Angelina Jolie
+ Adopt a child
+ Sky dive
+ Learn German
+ Learn Italian
>> Seven Things I Cannot Do
+ Eat peas
+ Hurt someone intentionally
+ Leave my family
+ Be happy all the time
+ Not masturbate
+ Give up Pin up modeling
+Stop being a Nurse
>> Seven Things I Say
+ Love you
+ Kisses
+ Are you shittin me
+ Well Darlin
+ bite me
+ That rocks
>> Seven Good Books
+ Mosby's Medical Dictionary
+ Memoirs of a Geisha
+ On a Pale Horse
+ Belinda By Anne Rampline/Anne Rice
+ A Tale of Two Cities
+ Mrs. Dalloway
+ Pride and Prejudice
>> Seven Good Movies
+ Interview with a Vampire
+ Prophecy
+ Secretary
+ Constantine
+ Moulin Rouge
+ Dracula
+ In the Cut
Seven People to tag
Anyone who wants to get in my pants!
So I hope all of your weekends went well and you had a great three day and did not have to work too hard. I hope to have something more to talk about soon. But I'm being super lazy on vacation and not doing a thing but sitting around and Super soaking the kids with water guns and playing Mommy and sexy girl.
Posted a new set! Hot days need to play with ice. Now be nice to me cause my hair is a mess and I'm dripping with water. For the PSW group go PSW here for all my good SG loves who don't belong to PSW goHere! Kisses!
Kisses and good Karma to all of you!
Sneak Peak!


>> Seven Things To Do Before I Die
+ Travel.
+ Missionary nurse to the Congo, Haiti, and Cambodia
+ Meet Angelina Jolie
+ Adopt a child
+ Sky dive
+ Learn German
+ Learn Italian
>> Seven Things I Cannot Do
+ Eat peas
+ Hurt someone intentionally
+ Leave my family
+ Be happy all the time
+ Not masturbate
+ Give up Pin up modeling
+Stop being a Nurse
>> Seven Things I Say
+ Love you
+ Kisses
+ Are you shittin me
+ Well Darlin
+ bite me
+ That rocks
>> Seven Good Books
+ Mosby's Medical Dictionary
+ Memoirs of a Geisha
+ On a Pale Horse
+ Belinda By Anne Rampline/Anne Rice
+ A Tale of Two Cities
+ Mrs. Dalloway
+ Pride and Prejudice
>> Seven Good Movies
+ Interview with a Vampire
+ Prophecy
+ Secretary
+ Constantine
+ Moulin Rouge
+ Dracula
+ In the Cut
Seven People to tag
Anyone who wants to get in my pants!

So I hope all of your weekends went well and you had a great three day and did not have to work too hard. I hope to have something more to talk about soon. But I'm being super lazy on vacation and not doing a thing but sitting around and Super soaking the kids with water guns and playing Mommy and sexy girl.
Posted a new set! Hot days need to play with ice. Now be nice to me cause my hair is a mess and I'm dripping with water. For the PSW group go PSW here for all my good SG loves who don't belong to PSW goHere! Kisses!
Kisses and good Karma to all of you!
Sneak Peak!

it is a promise...and I always keep my word

thanks for the comment honey, it was the sweetest thing ever to find!! hope you go pink soon too. I played around with a few of your pictures just to maybe make the waiting a little easier?? hope you like them. xxx
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SPOILERS! (Click to view)