Okay, I'm back! So soon, I know... I just wanted to add or put out there or whatever the problem with my right leg, which limits my posing immensely! I tore the cartilage in my right knee, so it doesn't bend, and putting weight on it HUUUURTS! So anyway, I just want that known i guess to anyone out there that notices and is like "what the fuck's up with that chick and her leg???" I don't know. I can't wait to get the surgery so I can be my agile self again! Okay, over and out!

That happened to me when I was younger, the torn cartilage thing. I just stayed off it for a long time, and after years it kind of worked itself out - but it's never been the same. Wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it; range of poses more than adequate. Hope you can get your surgery though - sounds like yours is a bit worse than mine was

I say leave the leg how it is. keep on crutch'n kind of deal