Hello all! So I'm new, and already posted about this, but I'll see what I get back here... I'm super low-tech, I don't have photoshop or a fancy camera or a professional photographer, I just use what I got and hope my stretch-marks don't show too bad and my tits don't sag too much, which there's not too much I can do about anyway. I have two kids, live in Baltimore, am homeless/squatting for now. I'm working on that tho, I miss my babies and I'm gettin too old to do the train-hopping/squatting thing... full-time, anyway! Nothing can keep me off the road for too long! But I need a home for the young'ns anyway. I see them often, it's just strange to them that I don't have a house like all their friends' mommys and their grandma 'n' grandpa (they live with my parents). But anyway, I love the Suicide Girls, and just want to look as good as them with the crystal clear pictures and perfect skin and beautiful faces! My photographer sucks by the way, and the camera belongs to him...so oh well for me! Over and out!

Sorry to hear about your knee. Having lived through torn cartilage before, I know that it must suck. I did not even notice your straight leg in your pics until I read your blog.
Balto is the last city I would want to be homeless/squatting in, especially with winter coming on fast. If nothing else, at least there are plenty of vacants around. I wish you the best of luck in sorting things out.