OK, it's old, it's been done, but I always find it interesting: You're on a desert island and you have 10 cds/albums with you, the only ones you'll hear for the rest of your life - what do you have? Mine change from time to time, but at any given moment I'd be happy with the 10 most recently chosen. Right now, those are:
Rainbow - Stranger In Us All
Queen - A Night at the Opera (Sometimes it is "News of The World")
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell
Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Robert Earl Keen - A Bigger Piece of Sky
Peter Case - The Man With The Blue Post-Modern Fragmented Neo-raditionalist Guitar
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde
There is soooooo much other stuff. So much that I love. GUITARS. . . Blackmore, May, Iommi, Smith/Murray/Gers... and then there are Django and Mississippi John Hurt and Neil Young and and and.... Slash!!! Zappa!! Stevie....................
Rainbow - Stranger In Us All
Queen - A Night at the Opera (Sometimes it is "News of The World")
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell
Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Robert Earl Keen - A Bigger Piece of Sky
Peter Case - The Man With The Blue Post-Modern Fragmented Neo-raditionalist Guitar
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde
There is soooooo much other stuff. So much that I love. GUITARS. . . Blackmore, May, Iommi, Smith/Murray/Gers... and then there are Django and Mississippi John Hurt and Neil Young and and and.... Slash!!! Zappa!! Stevie....................
Thanks so much for the love on my Censorship set!
Cool and the list is coming I'm just shockingly busy atm.