So. I was in the Trader Joe check-out line today; nice people, friendly....but the bagger-boy was just kind of on autopilot, and I decided he needed a little jot to wake him up. So he says some schpeel or other ending with, "So other than that, your day's been good, ya?" And I said very casually, "It's gonna get better real soon, after a little wine and bondage." He started some routine reply, stopped , looked at me, I smirked suggestively - and he decided he was just NOT going to ask me if I had really said BONDAGE.
Cause really, what if I hadn't?
Cause really, what if I hadn't?
Can't disagree, there's a distinct difference between 'minding one's business' and cowardice, 'though both are seen in company too often here. People are pretty sheep-like, all in all.
Best story I've heard so far today