If you could be a famous person, living or dead, for one day - who would you be? Why?
EDIT: By asking this question, I do not mean to say you must be unhappy with who you are - it's mostly a curiosity sort of thing for me: whose mind would I like to grasp for just one day? Through whose eyes do I want to view the world? Dylan? Bach? Hitler? DaVinci? Voltaire?
I guess it's more about what questions you want answered or what understanding you would like to gain. . .
The first time I heard this song I was in Starbucks. Every person in the place stopped what they were doing to listen, and at the end there was a sort of collective sigh. It was a really stunning moment of connectedness.
(Brokeback Mountain was NOT my favorite film (overrated beyond belief, but this clip is touching and the song is awesome.)
EDIT: By asking this question, I do not mean to say you must be unhappy with who you are - it's mostly a curiosity sort of thing for me: whose mind would I like to grasp for just one day? Through whose eyes do I want to view the world? Dylan? Bach? Hitler? DaVinci? Voltaire?
I guess it's more about what questions you want answered or what understanding you would like to gain. . .
The first time I heard this song I was in Starbucks. Every person in the place stopped what they were doing to listen, and at the end there was a sort of collective sigh. It was a really stunning moment of connectedness.
(Brokeback Mountain was NOT my favorite film (overrated beyond belief, but this clip is touching and the song is awesome.)
As for the question of the day: I'd be some random Native American dude from right around here, so I could see what my hometown looked like when it was a full grown deciduous forest before us whiteys came and chopped it all down... I'm fascinated by old growth trees.
Actually, I'll modify that: I'd be some Native American chick, so I could kill two birds with one stone: I'd see the trees and play with my boobs for a day.