OK. So most of my blogs are about rabbits, homes for rabbits and so on. What can I say? It's an addiction. (We need a tiny bunny smilie!)
Anyway, hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving break. We did, despite the PyrexFiasco of 2006.
Yes indeed. I cooked all day, the day before T-giving. We were to go to my mother's house, and because she is ill (cancer) we were bringing dinner there. I was so pleased that everything was done and so organized--and we were going to use all of her pretty things, crystal and antique pewter and so on, and make it so nice for her.
So we had everything cooking or warming - and wouldn't you know it, the pyrex dish on the electric stove shattered! It blew glass into every pot and pan, all over 1/2 the kitchen, and ruined everything except the twice-spiced pears (in fridge) , the veggie (covred) and the rolls (oven).
It was a HUGE glass bang and we were actually lucky that neither The Boy nor I got pierced.
So after about an hour of clean-up, we had that which was left and some scrambled eggs with cheese!
At first I was a wreck and in tears, because I (we!) had worked so hard to make this nice for my mother. But it ended up okay...we had a nice time; and really, what can you do when stuff like that happens, right?
So on to the bunnies. We got a sweet little lop bunny in yesterday. Her name is Macey, and her people didn't want her (according to the Mrs.) because 1) She was too busy and chewing things. We suggested toys and boxes and bunny proofing, to which she said 2) Well, my husband has allergies (we asked if he had tried OTC allergy meds) to which she said 3) Well, were not home so much anymore. . . So basically, same old story: Got a cute baby bunny, loved it for a while, got bored, didn't want to care for it, dumped it.
Never mind that the bunny is grieving for her humans. The woman could not get her ass out of the shelter fast enough. Too much reality for her, I guess.
So anyway, Macey is a darling English Spot / Lop mix. She has one blue eye and one half-blue/brown eye. SHe is 10 months old and very friendly and playful! If you're local and interested--or know someone who may be!--let me know!
She really is lovely:
And her backside is pretty, too!
And here she is with a cowlick (too much patting!!).
More info on rabbits and rabbit care on my website:
Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue
And all you good girls and boys should go read my thread and comments on the Oral group. . .and add your own.
I think I will add more pics to my albums today. Probably pics of guitars and The Boy
Anyway, hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving break. We did, despite the PyrexFiasco of 2006.
Yes indeed. I cooked all day, the day before T-giving. We were to go to my mother's house, and because she is ill (cancer) we were bringing dinner there. I was so pleased that everything was done and so organized--and we were going to use all of her pretty things, crystal and antique pewter and so on, and make it so nice for her.
So we had everything cooking or warming - and wouldn't you know it, the pyrex dish on the electric stove shattered! It blew glass into every pot and pan, all over 1/2 the kitchen, and ruined everything except the twice-spiced pears (in fridge) , the veggie (covred) and the rolls (oven).
It was a HUGE glass bang and we were actually lucky that neither The Boy nor I got pierced.
So after about an hour of clean-up, we had that which was left and some scrambled eggs with cheese!
At first I was a wreck and in tears, because I (we!) had worked so hard to make this nice for my mother. But it ended up okay...we had a nice time; and really, what can you do when stuff like that happens, right?
So on to the bunnies. We got a sweet little lop bunny in yesterday. Her name is Macey, and her people didn't want her (according to the Mrs.) because 1) She was too busy and chewing things. We suggested toys and boxes and bunny proofing, to which she said 2) Well, my husband has allergies (we asked if he had tried OTC allergy meds) to which she said 3) Well, were not home so much anymore. . . So basically, same old story: Got a cute baby bunny, loved it for a while, got bored, didn't want to care for it, dumped it.
Never mind that the bunny is grieving for her humans. The woman could not get her ass out of the shelter fast enough. Too much reality for her, I guess.
So anyway, Macey is a darling English Spot / Lop mix. She has one blue eye and one half-blue/brown eye. SHe is 10 months old and very friendly and playful! If you're local and interested--or know someone who may be!--let me know!
She really is lovely:
And her backside is pretty, too!
And here she is with a cowlick (too much patting!!).
More info on rabbits and rabbit care on my website:
Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue
And all you good girls and boys should go read my thread and comments on the Oral group. . .and add your own.
I think I will add more pics to my albums today. Probably pics of guitars and The Boy
As for your flattery, I thank you, but we both know my journals are less a point of interest in and of themselves, as a virtual salon, a meeting place for the disgruntled and book-bored scions of privilege to voice their complaints and shop their M.F.A stunted writing skills... A fun fact about me: I talk endless shit, but I tend to lose most Scrabble games. Not sure why.
True story: ever been to Gibraltar? It's an oddity all right. Anyway, they have semi-domesticated apes running around, and the tourist love them. So much so that they sell bags of peanuts from push carts all around the famous 'rock of.' My friend Jason committed the mortal sin of eating the monkey peanuts in front of a cunning elder male ape. He took this for the affront that it was not, and proceeded to MUG my friend. He walked right up and whopped him hard on the lower arm. My buddy fled with little to no grace, and the ape took the nuts. Before he climbed the hillside, he looked back at me, and I may be crazy but I swear he tried to flick me off.