hi. some thoughts, most or all of which are surely not worth recording or reading:
· dear seattle: i do truly love you, and love your cold and your clouds, and do not mind your rain too terribly. but please, no more muggy weather. i thought i left that shit behind in new orleans.
· what is with this human (read: awful) impulse to be the first to spread news, regardless of whether it's good or bad? all day, i felt like telling someone that elliott smith had killed himself. this despite the fact that no one at work would care, or indeed know who elliott smith was, and that i have never really been an elliott smith fan. i felt like a ghoul.
· this morning, i could remember my dreams for the first time in a long while, and, of course, they were nightmares. i dreamt i killed a mother and her two children pulling out of my driveway. and i dreamt that i sobbed for a good long while in front of my father. which made me think, i haven't sobbed in real life in a long time, either. i wondered if i sobbed in my sleep.
· as some (two) of you know, i now have a job that i really like and that pays the bills. only problem is, they have too many people working there right now. i know they won't get rid of me, since i'm one of the two temps there who does any work. but since i am the new guy, i find myself embroiled in machiavellian power struggles with the people already there. a whole lot of shit-talking is going on. none of it by or about me, but still. corporate america is weird, alien territory.
· i am having headaches with increasing frequency. if you were to graph the number of headaches i am having as a continuous function of time, the derivative of that function would be universally positive.
· everyone who said i would ever need to use calculus in my life was wrong.
· dear seattle: i do truly love you, and love your cold and your clouds, and do not mind your rain too terribly. but please, no more muggy weather. i thought i left that shit behind in new orleans.
· what is with this human (read: awful) impulse to be the first to spread news, regardless of whether it's good or bad? all day, i felt like telling someone that elliott smith had killed himself. this despite the fact that no one at work would care, or indeed know who elliott smith was, and that i have never really been an elliott smith fan. i felt like a ghoul.
· this morning, i could remember my dreams for the first time in a long while, and, of course, they were nightmares. i dreamt i killed a mother and her two children pulling out of my driveway. and i dreamt that i sobbed for a good long while in front of my father. which made me think, i haven't sobbed in real life in a long time, either. i wondered if i sobbed in my sleep.
· as some (two) of you know, i now have a job that i really like and that pays the bills. only problem is, they have too many people working there right now. i know they won't get rid of me, since i'm one of the two temps there who does any work. but since i am the new guy, i find myself embroiled in machiavellian power struggles with the people already there. a whole lot of shit-talking is going on. none of it by or about me, but still. corporate america is weird, alien territory.
· i am having headaches with increasing frequency. if you were to graph the number of headaches i am having as a continuous function of time, the derivative of that function would be universally positive.
· everyone who said i would ever need to use calculus in my life was wrong.
and the headaches? *nasal mom-esque voice* are you drinking enough water? you're probably dehydrated. or you have the syphillis. is there any chance you've caught the syphillis? you know, your father might know more about it. let me ask him....