scene: me, working quietly, alone, in a warehouse, taking old business records out of boxes and putting them in other boxes and listening to npr.
some guy: hey, you, what kind of music you like?
me: um, i... i'm listening to npr...
some guy: rock?
me: uh... what kind of...
some guy: punk?
me: punk? yeah...
some guy: well, my boyfriend's brother-in-law is in this band. (pulls out cd) they're called synicl, and apparently they just played in federal way, and the band before them really... kinda sucked, and they just brought the house down. (moves toward radio/cd player)
me: i don't think...
some guy: oh, no, the cd player on this doesn't work. i'd play it for you otherwise. they're really heavy, like they're all into... slipknot, stuff like that. (leaves)
me: *whimper*
anyhow. life in general is getting better since i ditched lj for sg. good jobs, cool people, fun times. wait'll you see what i've got lined up for next week.
some guy: hey, you, what kind of music you like?
me: um, i... i'm listening to npr...
some guy: rock?
me: uh... what kind of...
some guy: punk?
me: punk? yeah...
some guy: well, my boyfriend's brother-in-law is in this band. (pulls out cd) they're called synicl, and apparently they just played in federal way, and the band before them really... kinda sucked, and they just brought the house down. (moves toward radio/cd player)
me: i don't think...
some guy: oh, no, the cd player on this doesn't work. i'd play it for you otherwise. they're really heavy, like they're all into... slipknot, stuff like that. (leaves)
me: *whimper*
anyhow. life in general is getting better since i ditched lj for sg. good jobs, cool people, fun times. wait'll you see what i've got lined up for next week.
you're not oblivious... you're just faking it... such a boy 

ps i can just imagine the fear in your eyes