hey well farmers burn from huntingtonbeach went to electric chair to sell t shirts been oil painting and designing some new pants for a cool company.i have a sale here in hollywood on the 23rd at star shoes,so hopefully some of you guys will hang out and drink or whatever.have first band practice for spunk,this band i was in in texas and now have two orginal members involved here,so im really happy wish me luck that im not surrounded by flakes.looking forward to some design work for sg ....some t shirt ideas.other wize im cool ,some working out and eating this shit green magma.im not big but i is strong.
Okay, come up here and we will watch a movie.
Yea I guess everyone is into all kinds of stuff......I don't really like that article. I don't like the way alot of the questions were worded, but I had to work with what he asked. It's really outdated. That was from about 3 years ago.
Come visit and you can hear some old recordings as well. We never did anything for real, but I have tons of random shit from the ADAT. It's all pretty slow, but sometimes insanely intense.....in a slow sort of way.
So how's working on your crush working out?