hel no.ive ben ouyt of my mind t.v. land intwind.im making pants and will force myself to paint this weekend oils,never done it before.just made some great coffee,hope to see new projects come to be..my friend troy is art director at a small comic book company and i might have a comic come out soon.l.a. is sofull of hot tits and vancant stares.so full of rock stars and vacant stares .so full of movie stars and more movie stars.l.a. the place where any whore can sell there wares.l.a. the place i live.
thats based on a nice talk i had with a beautiful girl,we have been haven long talks under the coverssorry for the long no update sometimes the computer looses to the other things.
thats based on a nice talk i had with a beautiful girl,we have been haven long talks under the coverssorry for the long no update sometimes the computer looses to the other things.

and YOU have to tell me when this comic comes out, cus i wanna copy please sir with the nice tattoos and vacant stare
Nope didn't get a milkshake yet..
I still want one though.
and a fried ice cream.