wowdreams about mt family living with some fuckn hippies, a nightmare really.i wrote about my dad and had a dream then about our house in texas and these musicians living there on british guy and some girl in the living room with a little carpet and candles the whole thing.she was even sitting indian style.....the horror

sooo then it got stranger as my dad starting having chest pains andi told my mom to call the hospital.so i was holding my father and he was dying and he told me his time was over and just to shoot him...then i woke up crying and lucky for me a warm toasty friend was over so i told her the dream and now saved it for ever in my new little journal
so this typing is good cause im so fuckn slow already well hel ya know
so if anyone sees this thats knows a little about dream interpatation(sp) i like to here some feedback...its always interesting
father and strict parents always were a bore
until the day i need advice and my parents were no