"guys like me were born loving girls like you"
Watched 'Young Adult' today and was a little disappointed. I don't know what I was expecting but I guess I wasn't expeccting it to be that sad. This line stayed with me though. Patton Oswald plays a character that's kinda dorky, likes action figures, isn't bursting with self confidence and he says this to Charlize Theron, who was like the "popular" girl in high school (I'm guessing you know what that entails). Anyways, it just got me thinking...Does every nerdy, socially awkward boy out there just dream about being with "that girl'? Not knowing that she has less self-confidence than anyone, does he picture her turning him down before he can even open his mouth? I know High School can be a bit gruesome, but what about after graduation? When she's no longer a cheerleader, and he's no longer a nerd, what stops him then?
I know I've stated this idea as if only boys can be nerdy, but it obviously goes both ways. I guess what I'm saying is, I wish more people out there realized how amazing they were. Realized that they could have anyone. That they're good enough for anyone.
(And don't worry, I'm talking to myself here as well.)
Watched 'Young Adult' today and was a little disappointed. I don't know what I was expecting but I guess I wasn't expeccting it to be that sad. This line stayed with me though. Patton Oswald plays a character that's kinda dorky, likes action figures, isn't bursting with self confidence and he says this to Charlize Theron, who was like the "popular" girl in high school (I'm guessing you know what that entails). Anyways, it just got me thinking...Does every nerdy, socially awkward boy out there just dream about being with "that girl'? Not knowing that she has less self-confidence than anyone, does he picture her turning him down before he can even open his mouth? I know High School can be a bit gruesome, but what about after graduation? When she's no longer a cheerleader, and he's no longer a nerd, what stops him then?
I know I've stated this idea as if only boys can be nerdy, but it obviously goes both ways. I guess what I'm saying is, I wish more people out there realized how amazing they were. Realized that they could have anyone. That they're good enough for anyone.
(And don't worry, I'm talking to myself here as well.)
I haven't seen it yet but I like Patton Oswalt so I might give it a rent. Not too crazy about sad movies though.