Girl like me...
A girl like me doesn't have a filter. Her words can be crude at times and compassionate at others. She says what comes to her mind, naively assuming everyone knows her intent. This is not a girl that goes over well with meeting boys at the bar. A girl like me doesn't need it. She doesn't need a fortune teller to predict a future involving marriage, kids, and a happily ever after. She knows that she will be able to stand on her own two feet whether there is someone there to catch her or not. A girl like me isn't looking for a White Knight. A girl like me has true colors and has no control when or where they're gonna come out. When she trips, she points out the hilarity of it. When she realizes the topic of a conversation is above her reach, she'll do a well-known hand motion to everyone that its above her head. She revels in her imperfections. A girl like me is the true meaning of a juxtaposition. Oh yeah. A girl like me is also a 29yr old unemployed recovering alcoholic who has never had a boyfriend, still lives at home and has had sex with a total of zero people. That's right folks, zero. The clear cut definition of a virgin.

although, my momma does know all that stuff