OKAY! seriously. The Tour is over, and i thought (ignorantly) that Lance Armstrong would fade away. (He is retiring from the bike world) The Lance Armstrong Merchandise Machine would stop. Dont get me wrong. I congraduate the guy on his 7 time win. Fuck. Yes. It is amazing. And don't get me wrong, I give credit where credit is due. It's a huge feat. Its just, really, im just sick of him. Come on, I had to wear a laminate at work. One with Lance Armstrong on it. The dude wrote a book, or more than one. Fine. But his MOM wrote a book. and you know what, we sell it at the bike shop i work at. now, he's on Oprah. Come on. She redesigned her set, in a LiveStrong theme. Oh yea. And now he's thinking about going into politcs. Oh yea, the LiveStrong braclet is now a "must have fashion accessory" according to Oprah. BAH!
I have just never seen that specific combination anywhere else but in my own tastes...cool....
[Edited on Jul 27, 2005 8:22PM]