dear master of the universe.
sometimes, i really really fucking hate you. i have been really well behaved lately. why must you spite me. what the fuck have i ever done to you. nothing. god damn nothing. you make me so fucking miserable sometimes. what it the point of it. i am numb, okay? you make me numb. i feel nothing except for empty, with a dash of worthlessness. you can't even let me get a broken heart in a normal way. no. you asshole, have to let it get done in a public place. MOTU, fuck off. leave me alone. haven't you put me through enough? i have learned too many lessons at too young of an age. let me have a fucking break. you owe me that, at very least, you owe me that. i hate it when you make me cry. give me something worth while please. a gimpse of hope. i really do think i deserve that. i am tired of the way you fuck with me, and my pittiful emotions. i just feel so pathetic. i get it, alright. i totally fucking get it. i know i am over sensitive, but you don't need to rub it in my face. you and i both know i will be fine. but come on. why now. i wish i could just kick you in the throat right this very second. your goddamn timing is horrid. i would be more than happy to kiss and make up. in fact it would be an honor. MOTU, please, let's kiss and make up. you owe me one at this point. even if it is something as simple as getting wasted with timmy mac before he leaves on tour again, i will fucking take it. really. you should agree i deserve that. i drank a pint of jager, and am still sober. you wont even let me get drunk tonight. so let me have it ONE night this week. throw me a fucking bone for god sake. there is so much i want to say right now. and i can't. it hurts to type it. MOTU, you really did it this time. it almost hurts more than the ones that ended bad.
why must you break me so consitsantly? i'm tired of it. i can't handle much more. life shouldn't be lived while feeling broken. unless, that is your plan for me. and if that is the case, you are more of an ashsole that i could have ever imagined.
there are a few things that a for sure right now.
a. there is going to be a lot of Fiona Apple in my life for the next few days.
b. i am so glad i didn't buy him that bike. that would have been a waste of my money.
c. friends. i will prolly be in uber need of your awesomeness. expect phone calls.
d. i need my mommy
e. i feel so stupid.
your utterly bumed underling
ps. thanks roomey, Marge, Becca, and Timmy Mac
and timmy, thanks for the "how old are you now?" that made my night. you are one of the most amazing people i have ever known. and seriously... take me on tour, i'll be your towel girl. and i have always been a great "wing girl" for you. and our new "fuck it" philosophy will be choice/
pps. mister richards, it's on like donkey kong. you hella owe me.
i don't know which one fits better right now. they just both feel right.
sometimes, i really really fucking hate you. i have been really well behaved lately. why must you spite me. what the fuck have i ever done to you. nothing. god damn nothing. you make me so fucking miserable sometimes. what it the point of it. i am numb, okay? you make me numb. i feel nothing except for empty, with a dash of worthlessness. you can't even let me get a broken heart in a normal way. no. you asshole, have to let it get done in a public place. MOTU, fuck off. leave me alone. haven't you put me through enough? i have learned too many lessons at too young of an age. let me have a fucking break. you owe me that, at very least, you owe me that. i hate it when you make me cry. give me something worth while please. a gimpse of hope. i really do think i deserve that. i am tired of the way you fuck with me, and my pittiful emotions. i just feel so pathetic. i get it, alright. i totally fucking get it. i know i am over sensitive, but you don't need to rub it in my face. you and i both know i will be fine. but come on. why now. i wish i could just kick you in the throat right this very second. your goddamn timing is horrid. i would be more than happy to kiss and make up. in fact it would be an honor. MOTU, please, let's kiss and make up. you owe me one at this point. even if it is something as simple as getting wasted with timmy mac before he leaves on tour again, i will fucking take it. really. you should agree i deserve that. i drank a pint of jager, and am still sober. you wont even let me get drunk tonight. so let me have it ONE night this week. throw me a fucking bone for god sake. there is so much i want to say right now. and i can't. it hurts to type it. MOTU, you really did it this time. it almost hurts more than the ones that ended bad.
why must you break me so consitsantly? i'm tired of it. i can't handle much more. life shouldn't be lived while feeling broken. unless, that is your plan for me. and if that is the case, you are more of an ashsole that i could have ever imagined.
there are a few things that a for sure right now.
a. there is going to be a lot of Fiona Apple in my life for the next few days.
b. i am so glad i didn't buy him that bike. that would have been a waste of my money.
c. friends. i will prolly be in uber need of your awesomeness. expect phone calls.
d. i need my mommy
e. i feel so stupid.
your utterly bumed underling
ps. thanks roomey, Marge, Becca, and Timmy Mac
and timmy, thanks for the "how old are you now?" that made my night. you are one of the most amazing people i have ever known. and seriously... take me on tour, i'll be your towel girl. and i have always been a great "wing girl" for you. and our new "fuck it" philosophy will be choice/
pps. mister richards, it's on like donkey kong. you hella owe me.
i don't know which one fits better right now. they just both feel right.
and by 'guts,' i mean pussy.
*big hug* really....*big hug*