Got tagged my badassgladass, so I'm finally doin it.
Seven things to do before I die:
1) Get rich, or die tryin
2) Go on a date
3) Own a business
4) Get a puppy
5) Have straight hair
6) Marry Henry Rollins
7) Go to Ireland
Seven Things I Cannot Do
1) knit well
2) be in a stable relationship
3) run
4) save money
5) your mom
6) eat meat
7) like football
Seven things that attract me to where I live (Sacramento, CA)
1) my mommy
2) friends
3) work
4) everything is walking distance
5) the cold weather
6) close to the bay area
7) close to tahoe
Seven things I say most often
1) your mom
2) asshole
3) stop fighting
4) awesome
5) please/thank you
6) my ovaries hurt
7) whoops
Seven Books that I Love
1) The lord of the flies
2) anything by rollins
3) anything by chuck klosterman
4) the outsiders
5) my art history text book
6) where the wild things are
7) The Giving Tree
Seven movies I watch over and over again
1) the big lebowski
2) fight club
3) ferris buellers day off
4) jaws 1 & 2
5) almost fameous
6) Amelie
7) the shining
Seven people to tag
1) mulletmaster
2) I
3) have
4) no
5) friends
6) zachmarch
Seven things to do before I die:
1) Get rich, or die tryin
2) Go on a date
3) Own a business
4) Get a puppy
5) Have straight hair
6) Marry Henry Rollins
7) Go to Ireland
Seven Things I Cannot Do
1) knit well
2) be in a stable relationship
3) run
4) save money
5) your mom
6) eat meat
7) like football
Seven things that attract me to where I live (Sacramento, CA)
1) my mommy
2) friends
3) work
4) everything is walking distance
5) the cold weather
6) close to the bay area
7) close to tahoe
Seven things I say most often
1) your mom
2) asshole
3) stop fighting
4) awesome
5) please/thank you
6) my ovaries hurt
7) whoops
Seven Books that I Love
1) The lord of the flies
2) anything by rollins
3) anything by chuck klosterman
4) the outsiders
5) my art history text book
6) where the wild things are
7) The Giving Tree
Seven movies I watch over and over again
1) the big lebowski
2) fight club
3) ferris buellers day off
4) jaws 1 & 2
5) almost fameous
6) Amelie
7) the shining
Seven people to tag
1) mulletmaster
2) I
3) have
4) no
5) friends
6) zachmarch
full size
[Edited on Mar 13, 2006 12:35PM]