Thank you Friday, for finally showing me your face (so to speak)...cliched as this may be...I thought you would never arrive. I have to fire someone too. Fucking yay me. Some days I hate being in management, I end up being the very thing I spent most of my life ridiculing and rejecting. But anyway, that is the clever dichotomy of life isn't it? When you become the parent your perspective does a 180 and you are suddenly on the other side of life (the "icky" side by the way). Anyway, it (life) has been a mother fucker lately and I am WAY over it.
All of that being said, I was thinking about how much I love airports (after taking miss thing to ours)for the sheer prospect of people watching...very much like garage sales for the same reason (and isn't an airport one big garage sale of human beings passing hands/states/borders with their respective innards being exposed)? I love people watching man. I love the virtual snapshot you get of a person in that arena. It isn't as though you would have any other reason to be in the same place at the same time with 98% of the people there, so you gain this whole other world view, especially if it is an international airport.
When I lived in California I used to go down to the Santa Monica Pier, or Venice Beach, or a million dive bars with a notebook and a pen and just write out the sagas these people handed me with only their presence. It would be interesting to return and determine how prophetic I really am. I wrote this one piece in Santa Monica that I'll have to find but I remember this one line in particular: "I saw menwearingwomen" (the running together of the words was intentional) and I personally had meant it as the women who wear men around their necks like a fur stole, but realized soon after that it could also be taken to mean the same trophy wife sporting men were wearing their women. I love that about words, and art in general, it really is all subject to interpretation, there is no "right" way to receive it. Or wrong for that matter.
Okay, enough verbal vomit for this morning, cheers and pip pip right-o?
Carry on.
All of that being said, I was thinking about how much I love airports (after taking miss thing to ours)for the sheer prospect of people watching...very much like garage sales for the same reason (and isn't an airport one big garage sale of human beings passing hands/states/borders with their respective innards being exposed)? I love people watching man. I love the virtual snapshot you get of a person in that arena. It isn't as though you would have any other reason to be in the same place at the same time with 98% of the people there, so you gain this whole other world view, especially if it is an international airport.
When I lived in California I used to go down to the Santa Monica Pier, or Venice Beach, or a million dive bars with a notebook and a pen and just write out the sagas these people handed me with only their presence. It would be interesting to return and determine how prophetic I really am. I wrote this one piece in Santa Monica that I'll have to find but I remember this one line in particular: "I saw menwearingwomen" (the running together of the words was intentional) and I personally had meant it as the women who wear men around their necks like a fur stole, but realized soon after that it could also be taken to mean the same trophy wife sporting men were wearing their women. I love that about words, and art in general, it really is all subject to interpretation, there is no "right" way to receive it. Or wrong for that matter.
Okay, enough verbal vomit for this morning, cheers and pip pip right-o?
Carry on.
I don't envy you the task at hand today. I hope it goes as well as possible and leaves your spirit in tact. Wouldn't it be lovely if you could just pop over after work and shoot the shit over a beer and a shot (or several)? It is Friday, after all....
I can't help but wonder if our paths ever crossed in LA. I was only there for a year: May 1988 to June 1989. But I was peripherally involved in the Music biz, in that I worked for a big record store, dealt with vendors/labels, and got to go to a lot of free shows....