Just put my girl on a plane that takes her to California for a month. So bittersweet when she leaves.
(She loves to take hold the phone above us pictures everywhere we go). This was our "taking the tran at DIA to the gate at Southwest" pose.
This is good for her. This routine, this developing of bond with her father's side of the family in Cali. But, he's so dysfunctional (I mean who isn't right) and I couldn't even begin to explain the damage he has caused myself and her and really everyone he charges through. So I worry for her too. Not one of these trips occurs without her calling me sobbing, telling me how much she hates he and his wife and that she wants to come home.
So you see, it is a sad good-bye.

(She loves to take hold the phone above us pictures everywhere we go). This was our "taking the tran at DIA to the gate at Southwest" pose.
This is good for her. This routine, this developing of bond with her father's side of the family in Cali. But, he's so dysfunctional (I mean who isn't right) and I couldn't even begin to explain the damage he has caused myself and her and really everyone he charges through. So I worry for her too. Not one of these trips occurs without her calling me sobbing, telling me how much she hates he and his wife and that she wants to come home.
So you see, it is a sad good-bye.
She'll be home before you know it & fully recharged to create all new headaches & heartaches for you.
. lets go