So I just spent the last half hour trying to find this ONE prince blog about my son (i am fixated i tell you) within a myriad of once upon a time places I verbally vomited. Apparently anything before June of 2005 is gone. GONE I tell you. So oh well. It's gone...I remember it sort of. But not enough to recite it. So moving on...I hear a lot of talk about not delving into the past for fear of what you might find. And I have to tell you, with MY past, one would think I would lean towards that mentality. However, there were some fucking GREAT blogs/pieces/electronic disbursements...and if I were technologically superior i would link the shit out of ALL of them here...if I could. Because originality is dead I tell you. I might even be so full of myself that rather than come up with new thought I would just recycle the good ones I had previously.
Nah, that would just make me Fiona Apple.
But anyway, I digress.
There is so much forgotten in the lives who live "almost famous." Those of us who grow up around, live immersed in, eat breath and drink beside and within the celebrity life. Sometimes I neglect some pieces of the past because it is SO LONG AGO that I honestly forget it. But, say, for instance, I was hanging out with Foreigner and Billy Squre at my daughter's age. When MTV FIRST came out. When everyone I knew had everything to do with its creation and made sure I had all the accouterments to back it up.
I mean...say Cameron Crowe told you he wanted to write a movie about you when you were 14.
It feels surreal.
It could be a Courtney Love song.
If Kurt Cobain wrote it for her.

Nah, that would just make me Fiona Apple.
But anyway, I digress.
There is so much forgotten in the lives who live "almost famous." Those of us who grow up around, live immersed in, eat breath and drink beside and within the celebrity life. Sometimes I neglect some pieces of the past because it is SO LONG AGO that I honestly forget it. But, say, for instance, I was hanging out with Foreigner and Billy Squre at my daughter's age. When MTV FIRST came out. When everyone I knew had everything to do with its creation and made sure I had all the accouterments to back it up.
I mean...say Cameron Crowe told you he wanted to write a movie about you when you were 14.
It feels surreal.
It could be a Courtney Love song.
If Kurt Cobain wrote it for her.

Nothing less.