I was ready to launch into this tirade about my ungrateful mentally impaired 14-year-old daughter who got one of her ridiculous 16-year-old high school drop out trouble loving girlfriends to call me on Friday night (on my anniversary too god dammit)and pretend to be another girl's mom so my daughter could spend the night with like 5 guys at her buddy Schaffer's house. Fortunately I am NOT mentally impaired and told my daughter to get her ass home. And fortunately she is still scared enough of me to listen. She has been properly grounded until the end of time and had the audacity to ask me this afternoon if she could "hang out." I launched into the full on definition and pronunciation of "grounded" and she stormed off in an eye rolling pissed off frenzy. But we have this understanding when we hit the cross roads - she and I. When it is clear that we are both not listening and certain we are both right we walk away from each other in an effort to reach some kind of calm, rational approach. Apparently, this time that walk away space was crucial because she came down and apologized to me and said she understands and that she actually feels light and free and happy because this MONTH that she is grounded will give her the time and space she needs to make better choices and better friends. Not toxic ones, not ones who say they have your back while they are stabbing it, not misguided and abused and acting out ones. Because she is none of those so this acting out comes down to being entitled and spoiled really. And that comes down to me. But right now, I am going to bask in the glow of this apology and momentary revelation she seems to have had. And pray. I don't do that. Pray. But I might be inclined to if I see any sort of marked change in my girl. I'm just not saying who I'm praying to is all. (pssstttt...it just might be "The Church of the Fonz"...pass it on)
and said she understands and that she actually feels light and free and happy because this MONTH that she is grounded will give her the time and space she needs to make better choices and better friends. Not toxic ones...
Were I a cynical man, I'd focus on the word "said," - - but that would be too big a suck on what would otherwise be the best thing I've read today, if not this month - - and so . . . fuck said. Let's say she means it & hope this epiphany is just that.