You know...when you pour out your thoughts into an electronic is not uncommon for them to be misinterpreted and skewed. Those who are reading "me" do not know my tongue in cheek catch phrases or my nuances or the fact that I simply don't take anything seriously. I find humor in everything. Because this life shit is funny...yo. (That native Philly "yo" just seems to finish out my sentences so nicely). In any case, I don't expect everyone to agree with me or even necessarily understand me. That is the point, no? Having a place to just be? Say whatever you are thinking at the moment, even if it is half crazed and soap box-ish? No definitions. No guidelines. That is what makes sense to me. That is why I returned here so many years after lying in SG dormancy. To just lay it out when I feel it while I feel it. It may not be popular. But I am accustomed to most things I celebrate being unpopular. In fact, I sort of think that is what makes them "cool." Sometimes, anyway.
by all means, lay it out when, while & how you feel it. Who gives a shit if it's popular, and again, you do it very well.